The ISEC 2022 Conference will showcase the latest works and interesting research findings of various statistical ecology related issues world-wide.
Abstracts may be submitted on line for Oral or Poster presentations and should be limited to 350 words. Your submission will be double-blind reviewed.
A good abstract will address the following points:
- Is it suitable for a conference at the interface between statistics and ecology, and related disciplines? (Relevance)
- Is it addressing an important problem? (Significance)
- New statistical methods for ecology? Or new insights in ecology from modern statistical methods? (Innovation)
- Can it be read and understood by a non-specialist? (Accessibility)
Please keep these criteria in mind when putting together your title/abstract.
Abstracts may be submitted in the following categories:
- Abundance estimation
- Biodiversity
- Capture-recapture
- Citizen science and big data
- Community dynamics
- Conservation, management and decision analysis
- Data integration
- Disease ecology
- Distance sampling
- Evolutionary ecology
- Fisheries management
- Genetics and eDNA
- Metapopulation dynamics
- Movement ecology, space use and habitat selection
- Multi-species modelling
- Occupancy modelling
- Population dynamics
- Sampling
- Software developments
- Spatial modelling
- Species distribution modelling
- Statistical theory
- Survey design
- Other fields within the Statistical Ecology theme
For assistance and enquiries contact:
Austin Ackermann
eMail: abstracts@soafrica.com
Tel: +27 (0)76 139 2610